digital journal
Director, choreographer, and artist Kristin McQuaid chatted with Digital Journal’s Markos Papadatos about her original series “Kickin’ it with Kristin” and the digital age.
Read more: https://www.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/chatting-with-kristin-mcquaid-director-choreographer-and-artist/article#ixzz7PPnYeyAC

inside dance magazine
Kickin' it with THE Kristin McQuaid for her new Youtube series "Kickin' it with Kristin". Lets hear from Kristin herself how the show was created and what all we can expect.
more: https://www.insidedance.com/news-features/kickinitwithkristin/

Interview: Choreographer Kristin McQuaid talks new show "Kickin' it with Kristin".

showstopper magazine
Kristin McQuaid's new show really makes us want to find our next talent.

Tulsa people magazine
From 'what if?' to 'when?' Tulsa People Magazine catches up with Kristin to learn all that went into her new series.

Getty Images
John Lamparski from Getty Images catches up with Kristin McQuaid on her realease day for her new series.
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